Reframe & Master My Mindsets

Reframe & Master My Mindsets

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➊  Identify the fixed mindset “voice”

Whenever we’re not feeling 100%, we can usually trace it back to some sort of setback, conflict, disagreement, or disappointment. Let’s go over 5 scenarios below! For the best results, take the time to think back to specific memories and write down your default mental response. 🌿

Stuck? Pop me open for examples!


When facing...I tell myself...
Conflicts / feeling left out
Criticism / disagreements
Mistakes / something I did wrong

➋ Recognize you have a choice

Now that we know how we talk to ourselves:

Am I happy with how I'm talking to myself?

Type here...

Is how I’m currently talking to myself serving me well?

Type here...

➌ Shift from fixed to growth

Having identified our fixed mindset voices and realized that they may not have been serving us all that well, this next step is about shifting our fixed mindset voices to growth mindset voices:

Stuck? Pop me open for examples!


When facing...I tell myself...Let's reframe our mindset to...
Conflicts / feeling left out
Criticism / disagreements
Mistakes / something I did wrong

➍ Choose what you’d like to work on

Of all the fixed voices, whether it’s the one you hear the most or one you’d want to work on, what is the most important mindset you’d like to reframe? Check it below & move on to the last step:


⭐️When facing...I tell myself...Let's reframe our mindset to...
Criticism / disagreements
Mistakes / something I did wrong
Conflicts / feeling left out

❺ Put it into action

What can you do to remind yourself to put this shift into action?



When facing...I tell myself...Let's reframe our mindset to...Actionable steps
Take a moment to implement the actionable steps you just created for the mindset you’d like to reframe. Call it a day here, or continue onto: 3️⃣Find My Values & Set Intentions