

Hi! Here's a photo of me (and “Sun”)!


Hi there! I am looking for a like-minded friend, who would like to share our goals, thoughts, the good and bad… and help each other grow. 🙂

I am 26, soon 27, from Czech republic. I am a microbiologist/biologist and not a natural redhead, haha! 😃

Recently I moved for 1 year to work in Malaysia (with my boyfriend), which is great, as I love travelling, but sometimes it gets hard for my mental health, as I have some anxieties. Being a perfectionist from Europe in Asia is just hard 😄.

So I try to journal more, relax more, form some good habits… well and ideally also chat about it with someone. And I hope I can offer you the same! I think I could help with studies, habits, planning… or we can just cry and joke together 😀

I’m looking forwards 😊

In my free time, I love to...

  • travel - both to cities and nature (bonus if I can try some local food 😄)
  • do spinning, yoga, swimming…
  • create - some small DYI project, pottery
  • write a blog, post on IG
  • listen to podcasts, watch inspiring youtube videos
  • read (but I can’t find the time lately, so audiobooks it is!)
  • watch Netflix
  • drink coffee. Wait, I should have put this on top of the list!

some of my interests include:

  • animals, petting and caring about them, esp. my bunny
  • nature, conscious living
  • science
  • health and working out
  • self-growth and mental health (aka I think a lot 😄)