
Gloria Esquivel

This page is designed for your potential partner to get to know you better! Although this is optional, providing more information about yourself will increase your chance of finding a perfect potato partner!

Hi! Here's a photo of me!


In my free time, I love to...

  • Catch up on any shows/movies I’ve been watching lately
  • Spend time with my cats - Anakin and Charlie <3
  • I don’t really have any hobbies besides staying home and watching tv.
  • I have a very small circle which includes my boyfriend and two friends I don’t get to see too often.

some of my interests include:

  • I like reading a lot - shamefully I really love YA books. But, I’ve been trying to branch out to productivity books, non fiction, self-help type of books.
  • Being lazy lol…. But hopefully we can change that 😂