

Hello, my name is Jordan and I’m 29 year old startup founder and digital nomad. I’m interested in productivity, high performance, entrepreneurship, habits, routines, deep-work, journaling, reading and a lot more!

I’m looking for an accountability partner for all the interests mentioned above. I’m thinking to do weekly Zoom calls with my accountability partner where we share our wins, losses, share resources and keep each other motivated.

This could be a start of something amazing and life-changing! Don’t you think?

Email me at: jordan@twostaff.com and by the way, also checkout my company: TwoStaff.com 😇

Or simply drop me a Hi on my Whatsapp: +44 7456168311.

I’m currently in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia and will be in Bali, Indonesia for the next 3-6. But by the time you’re reading this, I could be ANYWHERE. Lol.

Hi! Here's a photo of me!

Here is a photo of me:
