
This page is designed for your potential partner to get to know you better! Although this is optional, providing more information about yourself will increase your chance of finding a perfect potato partner!

I’m just looking for someone to motivate each other in our goals everyday. We could send a message in the end of the day about what we did during the day, what we are planning to do for tomorrow, and what difficulties we have encountered. Or we can just send some messages during the day, to share something we did, ask for help or just listen to each other.

I’m a real simple person, I’m not into celebrities, tv shows, music etc.

I enjoy talking with people, learn about them and learn from them.

I’m a 19yo girl, from France, studying computer science and economy.

And some of my interests are : walking, weighlifting, paintings/drawings, computer sciences, gardening, indoor plants, books, learn more about islam, traveling by plane/boat, photography.

If you are interested, text me 😊