Week 3: Identify: Life Buckets

Week 3: Identify: Life Buckets

Vibely Prompt:

Share the most important value in your life and why:

Remember to share this with the Productive Potatoes fam!

Video prompt:

Before getting started on this worksheet, take a moment to review your reflections from Week 1 & 2 to remind of yourself of when you felt the most you. (Click the arrows to expand & fill out)

🤔 When you were the happiest, and most at ease:

Who were you with?
Where were you?
Why did these moments stick out to you?

Now that we're in a reflective mood, it's time to discover what's most important to us. 🤓

Identify Your Life Buckets

Pick 4 values that mean the most to you

Health & nutrition
Mental health
Other: ____________
Work / Career / School
Community / Giving
Personal growth

Number Your Values by Priorities

(1 being the most important)

⭐ Define your Plans

(Click the arrows to expand & fill out)

1. [Fill in with Value 1]

Why? ...

Where was I at the end of 2019?
Where am I now at the end of 2020?
Where would I like to be in 2021?

2. [Fill in with Value 2]

Why? ...

Where was I at the end of 2019?
Where am I now at the end of 2020?
Where would I like to be in 2021?

3. [Fill in with Value 3]

Why? ...

Where was I at the end of 2019?
Where am I now at the end of 2020?
Where would I like to be in 2021?

4. [Fill in with Value 4]

Why? ...

Where was I at the end of 2019?
Where am I now at the end of 2020?
Where would I like to be in 2021?

⭐ Execute Daily Habits

  1. [Fill in with Value 1]
  2. How can I improve? ...

    What are systems I can create?
    How can I turn this into a habit?
  3. [Fill in with Value 2]
  4. How can I improve? ...

    What are systems I can create?
    How can I turn this into a habit?

3. [Fill in with Value 3]

How can I improve? ...

What are systems I can create?
How can I turn this into a habit?

4. [Fill in with Value 4]

How can I improve? ...

What are systems I can create?
How can I turn this into a habit?

Now, which habits could you start putting in practice & implementing today? 😇

Congrats on finishing week 3 potaotes! This particular week was a bit dense and required more brain juice than the previous weeks but I hope it was helpful. Check back in on Sat, 12/19 for the next challenge & prompt on creating your self-care toolkit -Ro