Week 4: Create: Self-Care Toolkit

Week 4: Create: Self-Care Toolkit

Vibely Prompt:

Share your favorite self-care habits for the 4 dimensions:

  • Physical -
  • Mental -
  • Emotional -
  • Social -
Remember to share this with the Productive Potatoes fam!

Video prompt:

What does self-care mean to me?

Why is self-care important to me?

What acts of self-care has worked best for me?

Think back on week 1, 2, and 3’s reflections: When were you the happiest? When did you feel the lightest? What were you doing? Who were you with?

Self-care Toolkit

Hi potatoes! As you make your way through the coming days, weeks and months, continue to add to your self-care toolkit with things, people, and acts of self-care that bring you absolute delight. 🤩 Check back in on Saturday, 12/26 for how to set your very own '7 Mindset Habits' for 2021 -Ro