Week 5: Set: 7 Mindset Habits for 2021

Week 5: Set: 7 Mindset Habits for 2021

🌿 Before starting, carve out 15 min of uninterrupted time (turn phone on silent, turn off wifi if you're on the computer, limit distractions as much as possible 🙏 )

What would I most like to work on in 2021?

Type as many bullet points as you'd like

  • Ex: I'm too hard on myself

Go through the above list & highlight 7 that speak to you most

Notion tip: highlight and click the 'A' drop down & choose a background color

With these self-improvements I’ve highlighted, why does it exist and how can I come up with a mindset habit (or solution) for each?

  1. [What I'd like to work on #1 - ex: I'm too hard on myself]
    • Why? [Why am I hard on myself? Is it healthy striving or am I demanding perfection?]
    • Reframe to (mindset habit): [Be mindful of my thoughts and the stories I tell myself, or practice unconditional kindness and compassion with self]
    • What would it look like? [When I'm questioning myself and telling myself things I would never say to a best friend.. remind myself to take a big breath, take a step back, take note of what's going on (awareness), and just sit with my thoughts for a second instead of further indulging in talking myself down]
    • Why?
    • Reframe to:
    • What would it look like?
    • Why?
    • Reframe to:
    • What would it look like?
    • Why?
    • Reframe to:
    • What would it look like?
    • Why?
    • Reframe to:
    • What would it look like?
    • Why?
    • Reframe to:
    • What would it look like?
    • Why?
    • Reframe to:
    • What would it look like?

Write out your '7 Mindset Habits' for 2021

💡 Remember to share your '7 Mindset Habits' with the Vibely fam! Once you're done, copy & paste your '7 Mindset Habits' onto a new page, favorite it, and refer to it daily / weekly 🤓

Sweetest, sweetest potatoes. Congrats on finishing a MONTH'S worth of prompts! 🥳 Can you believe January is already a hop & a skip away?? Hope you're all feeling mighty prepared and ready for the new year. Check back next Sat, 1/2 for January's challenge~