Reflect & Celebrate the Past

Reflect & Celebrate the Past

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Just like how our energy fluctuates throughout the day, our capacity to reflect can also ebb and flow. finish ‘Level 1’ and call it a day (skip to: Set My Intention) or just keep swimming!

🌰 Level 1: What I did

Take some time to celebrate the big & small wins

3 Things I'm thankful for this year

3 Things I'm proud of this year

3 Things I overcame this year

Feeling good? Proceed to Level 2. If you’re done reflecting, skip to: Set My Intentions

🌱 Level 2: What I learned

We often grow more than we give ourselves credit for

3 Lessons I learned about myself this year

3 Lessons I learned about others this year

3 Lessons I learned about life this year

Feeling good? Proceed to Level 3. If you’re done reflecting, skip to: Set My Intentions

🌳 Level 3: How I felt

How were you really? 🫂

What feelings did I feel? Were there any recurring patterns?

What are some positive and negative feelings that come to mind? How did the people around me make me feel? How did I make myself feel?

Type your answer....

Did I allow myself to lean into these feelings? Why or why not?

Type your answer....

Which of these feelings would I like to let go of, and which would I like to take with you into the new year?

Type your answer....

Now, take a moment and think of 3 words you want to embody in the new year, ie: healthy, grateful, fulfilled, at peace, confident, bold, safe, compassionate, thoughtful

☀️ Set My Intentions

In the new year, I want to be...

Words to embody
Word 1
Word 2
Word 3
Feeling good about your words for 2023? Keep at it until you feel 100%. Once you do, you can either take a break here, or move on to: 2️⃣Find My Values & Set Intentions